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Jack Kerouac: On the road

View USA East Coast on divatmotoros's travel map.

In my late teenage years Hobo, a Hungarian blues singer was one of my hero. Here is a concert of him I also attended:

On top of Hobo Jim Morrison and Jack Kerouac were my USA heroes. His book "On the road" simply made so much sense. A huge contrast to the mandatory readings of the disconnected and hard to follow greek mythology and Hungarian and Russian writers from the 17th-18th century.

We passed by Lowell, the town where he was born and also buried in the Edson Cemetery.
So we had to stop and make a tribute to his grave, thanking him all the hours helping me escape from my teenage reality. And after all, we are on the road.

"Sal, we gotta go and never stop going 'till we get there.'
'Where we going, man?'
'I don't know but we gotta go."
-Jack Kerouac: On the road


Posted by divatmotoros 21:01 Archived in USA

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