A Travellerspoint blog

The less glamorous part: attampted robbery before the border

View USA heading north & Mexico (Mainland III) on divatmotoros's travel map.

The less glamorous stops are also there... During our trip we alternate stopovers at regular RV parks for longer stops and many free or cheaper alternatives on one night stopovers.

In the USA a Walmart parking lot or many other alternatives are highlighted in an app called "ioverlander". We also use Harvest Host and its Canadian version, Terego.

This time we stopped in a truck stop which is the least glamorous version. It is usually busy, noisy and dirty but at least gives a safe stop if nothing else is available nearby.


So we stopped there and had a fairly good night sleep before continuing our journey.
Which took an other less glamourous turn before exiting Mexico. We were (almost) pulled over by a sketchy looking truck which had some red/blue lights under its grille, was quite beaten up and had no licence plate at the back. The driver was also quite suspicious as he waved and break-checked us which normal police officers would not do. I read other travellers being robbed several hundred USD by made-up violations by similar trucks so I decided to not stop despite his efforts. My heart was racing as he was following us for a few kms but after the city limits we lost him (not by high speed, towing the trailer is not a great escape vehicle). He just gave up on us and left us alone. After this unfortunte incident we soon arrived to the border and made our crossing to the USA without any problems.

Posted by divatmotoros 03:02 Archived in Mexico

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