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Día de los Muertos - Puebla

View Mexico (Mainland II) on divatmotoros's travel map.

We walked in the historic centre of Puebla to see the altars created to commemorate the "Day of the Dead" - or Día de los Muertos in Spanish.

The holiday is celebrated from November 1st through November 2nd in Mexico. It is a time for families to honor loved ones who have passed. On this day each year, it’s said that the border between the spirit world and living world dissolves, allowing the souls of the dead to reunite with their families.

Families build altars with flowers, photographs of the loved ones who have passed and they also include the favourite drinks and foods of the deceased. Many Mexicans paint their faces with calaveras (skulls). The altars are decorated mainly with marigolds, a bright orange flower. It is also common to draw a line from the street to the altar as a pathway back to the living and attract souls with their scent and vibrance.

There were lots of sculptures installed on the main square.


We did not miss the great churros next to the cathedral which we ususally grab if we are in the city center.


Then we visited several public altars. Some of those celebrated the workers on the fields, some other professions.





Posted by divatmotoros 14:35 Archived in Mexico Tagged dia_de_los_muertos

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