A Travellerspoint blog

Camping de la Rivière-à-la-Pêche

sunny 18 °C

Enroute to Quebec we stopped at La Mauricie National Park which was a small detour from the highway. It is a nice forest campsite, all spots are spread out in the forest and we liked the simple, clean and modern facilities. It was the first backup place for me and it was almost perfect for the first time navigating in. The only negative was the lack of leveling on the site. After the first night and accidentally spilling two coffees on the stove I wanted to do something about it. So I place two levelling raises under the wheels on the left side and pulled the trailer onto it. It became perfectly level.
We did a short excursion and found a nice dam built by beavers. We haven't seen the animals themselves but their marks were on the trees nearby.
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Beavers dam


Posted by divatmotoros 18:48 Archived in Canada

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