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Trona Airport, California

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We like to stop at interesting local places like farms, breweries here and there, golf clubs, wineries , private homes or airports selected from HarvestHosts. This time we enjoyed the hospitality of a small airport at Trona, California. When I asked about the traffic the man helping us to park said there are four airplanes at the airport so no take offs for days. Surprisingly the next day a small aircraft (aluminium frame and a textile covering) arrived so we enjoyed the landing and talked to the pilot who was a local doing a trip around towns nearby.

The airport had a pilot's "bar" with plenty of cold soft drinks, a coffee machine and a restroom which we were allowed to use too. We got electricity and water too so it was a luxurious Harvest Host stay. We were very happy with it and enjoyed the special desert setting too. Echo, our dog made
a new friend, Mike.


Posted by divatmotoros 06:49 Archived in USA Tagged california airport trona

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