A Travellerspoint blog

Brentwood Bay and Victoria

View Vancouver and Vancouver Island on divatmotoros's travel map.

It was quite some time ago when we explored Saint John in the beginning of July. We have met a lovely couple there who were also travelling across Canada to visit their families and originally they lived in Vancouver Island. We met twice at the Rockwood Park for a simple reason: they also had a Rhodesian Ridgeback. We went for a walk there, had a lovely chat with them amd before we left Saint John they even gave us a handwritten note woth exciting things to see on our journey to the West. They invited us to visit them once in British Columbia so we contacted them once we got to Vancouver Island. They kindly confirmed that we can stop by to see each other again.

What we thought to be a one night stopover and maybe another nice walk for the two dogs became three days of pampering and fun! Nicky and David were amazing as they waited us with dinner and insisted that we can stay as long as we like and to do some activities together. So we stayed and the next day we drove to Victoria during the day. Although it was raining we enjoyed a walk in the harbour. The vegetation and parks are beautiful.


We also made a quick detour to a lighthouse and a II. WW site of Fort Rodd Hill Otentik.


Then in the evening we cooked a traditional Hungarian "gulyásleves" together discussing the differences and similarities of a gulyásleves and a pörkölt (stew). The next morning Nicky prepared her horse so our kids were absolutely excited to ide a horse again (after rare opportunities in the past during our journey).


We also went for a hike together and especially the two dogs enjoyed running and playing a lot!
How many ridgebacks can you count in the autumn forest?


We have seen some houses decorated for Halloween already!

Another highlight was a big bubbly bath for the kids in a large bathtub and another suberb dinner. The dogs enjoyed resting by the fire what is one of the many special skills a ridgeback has!


All this kindness and friendlyness due to the fact that we had the same breed of dog. As David said with a huge smile: when they first saw us with the ridgeback they knew we can not be that bad of people! There are no words to tell how grateful and happy we are that Nicky and Dave was so open and kind to us! A highlight of ozr travels so far!

After this excellent stopover it was time to leave Vancouver Island and sail back to the mainland to continue South. Our next stop is a cherse factory and then we start the next leg of our travels: heading South.


Posted by divatmotoros 05:54 Archived in Canada

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