A Travellerspoint blog

Beaver Creek CA to Delta Junction, USA

Finishing the Alaska Highway

12 °C
View Alaska & The Alaskan Highway (Alcan) on divatmotoros's travel map.

After our morning routine (good breakfast, today some bacon and eggs), packing up the trailer and dumping / filling water tanks and refueling the car we left Beaver Creek around 12:30. The Canada / USA border was just 30 minutes, I mean we left Canada in 30 minites and then we had to drive another 30 miles to reach the USA customs building. The officer was a bit upset due to the guy in front of us who did not declare a wild animal he was shooting in Canada and tried to drive it through the border. They had a lenghty discussion and finally they let the guy go. I am not sure what happened to the wild animal they talked about.

We also had a long conversation about our travels and we got admitted to the USA. The road conditions were very good until Beaver Creek but then the next 80-100 miles has been described as awful by fellow travellers we talked to. It was quite damaged in several shorter spans and we have seen many fresh repairs as well. We talked to a woman in Beaver Creek who had to stay there for days as the main structure of their trailer broke in one of the potholes. So we drove very carefully and even slower than usual, around 50-60 km / hour.

The season quickly chamged from summer to autumn in the last few days as we pressed on Northwest. All the trees were yellow and temperature dropped to 10-12 celsius.


As we grinded miles the landscape was becoming more and more dramatic. The clouds and the ice covered mountains in the distance looked majestic. Endless forests, wide rivers. Unreal.


We crossed another time zone amd arrived in the evening to the end of the Alaska Highway in Delta Junction.


Posted by divatmotoros 06:29 Archived in Canada

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