A Travellerspoint blog


We are crossing the Americas from East to West and North to South in a travel trailer.

Hello! Welcome. Let's find out if it is fun to pack your family and hit the road for several months or not. A few years ago on a New Years Eve my wife and I listed the highlights of our past year. We both filled a piece of paper with the shorter and longer trips we have made that year. So we enjoy travelling together and we both have a special interest and bonding towards Canada and the USA. For us, Europeans the nature, the landscape, the big cities and highways are very different there than in our hometown. So we decided to plan a big trip and explore. With three kids and a dog we will not be bored for sure!
We have tried camping earlier a few times and those are the highlights of our kids and our own memories. So we chose to travel in a trailer and see how it goes. As a kick-off I am travelling to the USA in May 2022 to pick up our car and travel trailer for the next few months. Then I have to return to Budapest for two weeks and mid June we leave with the family and the fun begins!
Stay tuned!

Edit in 2023:
We summed up our life changing trip in an ebook. You can grab your copy in English or in Hungarian! See the links below:

English ebook: One Year Of Camping - Plan Your Escape


Magyar e-könyv: Egy év lakókocsiban - Szökés a szürke hétköznapokból

Posted by divatmotoros 06:00

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